The inaugural Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris for the year is approaching! From Friday, March 15, to Sunday, March 17, 2024, this transformative event will unfold, promising life-altering experiences. Lives across nations, cities, homes, and hospitals are set to be touched and transformed.
Register now at www.healingstreams.tv/LHS to secure your spot. This global healing crusade, accessible through virtual and physical healing centers, has yielded magnificent results, including countless testimonies of diverse healings and even resurrections.
If you or someone you know is in need of healing or a miracle, the Healing Streams Live Healing Services are specially orchestrated for you. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome assures that, regardless of your current condition or affliction, the Name of Jesus will be invoked to bring about something special in your life.
The Live Healing Services have witnessed miraculous manifestations, from creative miracles during worship segments to live testimonies of divine encounters. Diseases have been demystified, the lame have walked, and sight has been restored. 33-year-old Gantulga from Mongolia lived on the edge for over a decade. This lady managed the symptoms and pains of liver disease, enlarged dilated esophagus, increased pancreas, thickness and swollenness of the gallbladder. Gantulga heard of the Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, she registered with great expectations and was ministered to on the Virtual Healing line; she received her healing from all these conditions!
Divine health is proclaimed as an inheritance for every Christian, with Pastor Chris imparting deep insights and preparing believers for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Save the date: Friday, March 15, 2024 – Sunday, March 17, 2024. Get ready to share your testimony, convey healing to those around you, and spread the triumphant news: Healing Streams Live Healing Services are here again to change lives forever. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the miraculous!
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