Healthy Living 2024-06-25 4,302 8

A healthy, balanced diet consists of a variety of food types that provide adequate nutrients necessary for good health. One type of food needed in a healthy diet is fruits, which are rich in minerals and vitamins. Forget supplements and fancy superfoods, these ten fruits are power-packed for a healthier you.

1. Peaches & nectarines: Two small peaches or nectarines have more potassium than one medium banana. Potassium boosts nerves and muscle health. The skins of peaches also provide a great source of antioxidants.

2. Pineapples: Regardless of how it’s prepared or served, this tropical fruit is chock-full of bromelain, a powerful anti-inflammatory enzyme that reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

3. Grapes: A little grape bulb (preferably red/purple) contains potassium and iron, which help prevent cramps and anemia. Grapes are also proven to be heart-healthy; they help prevent heart disease and lower cholesterol levels due to the large amounts of antioxidants like quercetin and resveratrol they contain. We recommend that you opt for organically cultivated grapes, rather than genetically modified seedless ones.

4. Kiwis: These are low-calorie, high-fiber, easy snacks that are great for weight loss. Loaded with vitamins C and E, kiwis help protect against cancer and improve optical health.

5. Mangoes: Mangoes are more popular than ever due to their high levels of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A to promote bone growth and a healthy immune system. Even more, mangoes have over fifty per cent of the daily vitamin C requirement.

6. Apples: Possibly the lightest on the calorie counter, apples make a great choice for weight-watchers. They’re also heavy on quercetin, which shields against brain cell degeneration and reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure. Apples’ high fiber and vitamin C content also support digestive health and boost immunity.

7. Pomegranates: As a beverage of choice, pomegranate juice contains at least twice the antioxidant capacity of red wine or green tea. It sustains energy and controls blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and improves cardiovascular health.

8. Grapefruits: Orange is a great vitamin C source, but you want grapefruits because bigger is better. Half a grapefruit is a vitamin C powerhouse, and also has high levels of fiber, potassium, and vitamin A. Some studies suggest that grapefruit can alleviate arthritis symptoms and repair damaged or oily skin and hair.

9. Bananas: A banana is the perfect grab-and-go snack, as it’s already wrapped. Its potassium and fiber content promotes long-lasting energy and keeps you alert all day long. Without the fat or salt, bananas are healthier than granola bars or pretzels.

10. Blueberries: Considered a superfood, the vitamin C, anthocyanin, and other antioxidants in blueberries help fight diseases and boost brainpower. According to research, people who eat more blueberries are less likely to develop macular degeneration in later years. For more health tips, watch Healthy Living on Healing Streams TV. Find past episodes in the ‘video on demand’ section – www.healingstreams.tv.


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