

2,757 Category: Medical Conditions


Maryam from Iran suffered from celiac disease, lumbar, and cervical disc disease, which caused severe symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of bowel and bladder control, and neck and back pain. Her condition left her unable to perform basic tasks like standing, turning, or bending, and she had to wear a neck brace. The celiac disease impaired her intestine's ability to absorb nutrients, further worsening her health.

Desperate for healing, Maryam participated in the Healing Streams live healing services with Pastor Chris. During the service, Pastor Chris called out her name, ministered healing to her, and declared her healed in the name of Jesus. Instantly, Maryam experienced a miraculous transformation. She regained her strength, could perform household chores, attend gatherings, and even eat gluten-containing foods again. She joyfully testified to her complete healing and thanked Pastor Chris for his prayers.

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