Prepare for an extraordinary 24 hours filled with prayer, worship, and miraculous moments! Delve into the Scriptures and you'll discover that when God intends to bring forth something exceptional, He prompts His saints to engage in fervent prayer. Mark your calendars for Friday, February 2, starting at 6 p.m. (GMT+1), as billions worldwide unite for an uninterrupted 24-hour session of prayer and worship.
This non-stop prayer program is in preparation for the 10th edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. Glorious things were witnessed during the October 2023 HSLHS, and we look forward to increased glory this year!
Pastor Benjamin from India is one of many whose lives were transformed during the October Healing Streams. He was diagnosed with high sugar and high blood pressure in 2017, doctors administered medications, yet no change occurred. His sugar level continued to increase. Pastor Benjamin’s health deteriorated drastically until he was diagnosed with an infection in his intestine. Life took a downhill turn as breathing and moving around became tedious for him. Praise God! Pastor Benjamin and his wife heard of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services. They registered, participated, and received their miracle as Pastor Chris prayed for the sick.
This strategic 24-hour prayer program will prepare the atmosphere for a superlative March 2024 Live Healing Services.
Testimonies will abound during this Prayer Conference, and we look forward to the transformation of lives. Invite your loved ones to participate with great faith and expectations; as we are ever ready to rejoice with you!
Anticipate joining saints from every corner of the globe in a few days to unleash tremendous power. Clear your schedules and save the date. Register now or inquire further at www.healingstreams.tv/hsopc
Partner with us to take this divinely orchestrated event to the ends of the earth: @ www.healingstreams.tv/partner
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