Global Impact News 2024-07-05 15,741 8

When God created the first man, Adam, He put him in the Garden of Eden. According to the Scriptures, God commanded him to eat from any tree he desired in the Garden, except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:15-16).

When Eve was formed, Adam passed the same instruction to her. However, the serpent deceived Eve into eating the fruit of the tree. And not only did she eat it she also gave it to Adam, who was with her (Genesis 3:4-6).

Because of Satan’s deception and Adam’s disobedience, death came into the world (1 Timothy 2:13-14; Romans 5:17a). So, by Adam’s transgression, death entered the world and reigned over all men. This was where sickness, affliction, and all the evil in the world came from.

Man’s sin invoked the penalty of death and separation from God. Now, man needed redemption but the righteous demands of justice could only be met by the shedding of blood. Hebrews 9:22 says, “…without shedding of blood is no remission.”

However, on the face of the earth, no one could redeem man. An angel couldn’t do it because they are celestial beings. God Himself couldn’t do it because He is a Spirit. The sacrifice had to be a man who had rights on earth and could legally take man’s place. Furthermore, he had to be sinless to meet the demands of justice.

However, there was no such person on earth. John 1:1,14: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” Seeing that death, disease and despondency held sway in the world, God sought earnestly for an opportunity to step in.

This was not the world He made and He desired to bring man out of this dark state. In what would change the course of life forever, God stepped in and did a most remarkable thing as seen in the verses of Scripture above: His Word became a man.

Jesus is the living Word of God. Understand that He was never separate from the Father before He was born as a man. The Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John1:1). There was no Jesus – He was God’s Word. Maybe you have never heard this before but when you understand it, you’ll truly appreciate the crucifixion of Jesus and what He accomplished for the world. It wasn’t until the Word of the Father became flesh that Jesus came into being.

Jesus is the Word of God made flesh – the living Word (John 1:14). With the birth of Jesus, the world was on the threshold of a new day. God had provided a perfect sacrifice for man’s redemption: Jesus was a man, as He was born of a woman, and He was also without sin, living to please the Father only and always (John 8:29).

It was indeed a new day for the world: God had brought forth a Son that He could offer for the redemption and salvation of the world. With salvation came blessings and benefits beyond imagination, including healing and divine health. It’s the reason sickness or demons can’t dwell in your body.

Understand that Jesus didn’t only come to die for our sins; He also came to give us life in its fullness. We who were crucified with Christ are dead to sin and alive to God (Romans 6:11). If you are born again, you need not fear death, for it’s been defeated by Jesus. Now, you have the nature of God in you. You’ve been qualified and made to inherit all the glorious and precious promises in the Word that have been fulfilled through Christ. Healing and health are yours today. Believe, accept, and make them yours.


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