Healthy Living 2024-05-14 2,889 8

Stress is the body’s way of reacting to difficult situations. It is a state of tension that may have damaging mental, physical, and spiritual effects on a person.,

The symptoms vary on an individual basis and range from physiological to psychological. Daily life in today’s world is fraught with circumstances and activities that may cause stress, regardless of age, gender, or status. The workplace, however, is by far one of the most stress-inducing environments for many people. So, it is typical that the topic of reducing or eliminating stress is one for fierce debate and much discussion.

As God’s children, the Bible cautions that we should be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6). The following tips will go a long way to helping you enjoy the peace that the Lord has granted you and maintain a stress-free life.

• Make God’s Word paramount. When God’s Word is your focus, you’ll keep calm and stay in control in tense situations. You have an excellent spirit and function in the dominion of our Lord Jesus. Being consistently conscious of these truths will negate stress. Even when you receive negative feedback, God’s wisdom will give you the right outlook and propel you to greater levels of excellence.

• Worship the Lord in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Music is a powerful relaxant. When paired with lyrics exalting God, it becomes doubly effective. As you praise the Lord with songs of the Spirit every day, you apprehend the “bigness” of the One in charge. In worship, you submit to His Lordship over you and all the matters making you worry become insignificant and easy to deal with.

• Don’t stress yourself. Sometimes, stress can be self-imposed. The realization that you have more to do should not cause you to impose unrealistic schedules upon yourself. This would most likely force you to burn the candle at both ends and impact your health negatively. Rather, objectively assess what needs to be done and create tenable plans that will ensure better performance in the future.

• Act or respond, don’t react. You may not control what others do or say, but you are in control of your actions and responses. Knowing this, focus on what you can control. This will help you take reasoned, corresponding actions and reduce the stress that comes from feeling helpless or powerless. When you get worked up about what others think, say, or do, you tend to be less creative.

• Manage interruptions. Persistent interruptions at work can fray tempers, slow the creative process, and induce stress. Because you need most of these interactions to get the work done, plan for them. You can create time slots in your daily schedule for consulting with others, use noise-canceling headphones to discourage idle chatter, and so on. Find a plan that works best for you.

• Schedule breaks throughout the day. Walk, stretch, or do breathing exercises. Staying on the same task for too long increases tension, so learn to divert your attention and energy to other things at intervals. When you feel stressed or come out of a tense meeting, take a minute to pull in deep breaths to restore calm and balance.

• Eat right and sleep well. A good night’s sleep and good food positively affect outlook, temperament, and confidence in myriad ways. Intentionally observe a regular sleep cycle and adhere to a healthy and balanced diet to eradicate stress.

The Lord has given you all things to have and enjoy. Let nothing make you fret or stress or panic. Relax and remember that in all things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.


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