Ministers Impact Report 2020-08-20 15,387 8

Psalm 67:2, "Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind," readily comes to mind in describing the exploits of the partnering ministers of the Healing School. Their drive for the furtherance of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the nations of the world, depicts the unending impact of the inspiration they received at the Healing School, where they met the man of God, Pastor Chris.

Passionate about souls, some ministers organized outreaches in parks, city centers, and train stations in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. Ministering in the name of Jesus, they reached hundreds with the message of God's saving grace, touched the untouched, and prayed for sick people who were afflicted with diverse illnesses and infirmities and in need of a change in their dire circumstances. Several were gloriously healed by the power of God.

It was a beautiful day to behold, as many got their lives back with the opportunity of a fresh start with God, while others received amazing healing miracles. Since the inception of the Healing School Partnering Ministries, many lives have been transformed to the glory of God by these inspired ministers, and the impact made by them continues to resound all over the world.

Do you want to impact your world with the Gospel or do you want to partner with Pastor Chris for the furtherance of the Gospel? Please send a mail to [email protected]


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