Ministers Impact Report 2021-01-26 4,462 8

Over the years, ministers from around the world have made their way to the Healing School to experience the tangible power of God at work in the life and ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. They visit for the opportunity to be impacted for greater exploits. Following this impartation and blessings, the ministers return to their countries to demonstrate all that they have received at the Healing School, with astounding testimonies following.

As an upshot of the revelation he received from Pastor Chris at the 2017 Ministers' Visitation Program and other recent programs, Evangelist Purnachandra Swain from India has recorded several significant testimonies of the efficacy of God's Word in his life and ministry.

Evangelist Purnachandra shares: "My ministry, International Youth Associates, has increased spiritually and numerically. We've had over 10,000 people participating in our programs, making it the largest youth gathering in India. We organized 21 Spread Faith Youth Outreaches with several healings taking place and over 3,000 souls won to the Kingdom of God. Also, I have experienced tremendous growth in my business, as I receive more contracts and more clients every so often. Every year, I keep expanding and charting new frontiers. I put the Word to work on a daily basis and I see it yield amazing miracles in my life.
It is indeed a blessing to have come in contact with the man of God, Pastor Chris, at the Healing School. My life has not been the same, and my perception of the Gospel has been from glory to glory. Thank you, Pastor Chris, for teaching us the Word of God in a most inspiring and insightful way.”

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