Ministers Impact Report 2020-12-28 1,824 8

The impact of the Healing School Partnering Ministries reverberates across the nations of the world and countless lives have been tremendously changed as a result. Recently, a member of the Healing School Partnering Ministries, Pastor Cyril Siringwani of Home of Salvation Ministry, Zimbabwe, took the Gospel to the residents in his city through a Healing to the Nations outreach where he recorded over 20 souls won to the body of Christ.

The meetings witnessed both the young and old who were eager to receive the message that was brought to them. Pastor Cyriil taught from the Scriptures, pointing his listeners to the divine life that is in Christ Jesus. He also cited several examples of faith from the Bible as he taught them on eternal verities.

It was a beautiful sight to behold when some of the listeners stepped forward to give their hearts to Christ during the altar call. The people were ready to serve the Lord with all their hearts, a result of the inspiration they had received from the meeting.
The meeting also seeded the healing power of God in some of them as they received a special touch for their bodies. It was a memorable experience for all attendees and the results from this program will go on to affect more lives in the days ahead.

In closing, copies of the Healing to the Nations Magazine were distributed to everyone present. Glory to God!
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